![]() <新しいページ紹介> ●次回の「手づくりバイオディーゼル燃料セミナー」を11月30日(日曜日)に予定しています。参加者募集中! 詳しくはこちら。 ●日本各地の取り組みをまとめた「バイオディーゼル日本地図」をアップしました。 バイオ燃料
トップ | |
メディア掲載とコメント集 | |
手づくり企画の紹介 | |
冒険が始まった経緯 |
サイトマップ | |
プロジェクト | |
地域の自立を目指す | |
この企画を進める理由 | |
Rural development | |
Fixing what's broken | |
都市農園 | |
街が食糧を育て始めた! | |
有機菜園のススメ | |
庭で部屋で栄養たっぷりの野菜を育てる方法 | |
土をつくる | |
すべての健康は土から始まる | |
小さな農場 | |
自由と自立への道 | |
バイオ燃料 | |
地域で育てるエネルギー | |
太陽熱コンロ | |
森と人を救うソーラー・クッカー | |
森と土と水と | |
山の危機はみんなの危機 | |
世界の種子 | |
種がなければ食もなし | |
Appropriate technology | |
What works and fits | |
Project vehicles | |
The workhorses | |
インターネット | |
何がそんなに画期的なのか? | |
Internet interaction | |
必要な情報を探し出すには | |
教育企画 | |
教育企画の活用方 | |
バイオ燃料 | |
太陽熱コンロ | |
空き缶で作る簡単コンロ | |
超小型風力発電機 | |
電源のいらないローテク・ラジオ | |
段ボール箱の活用法 | |
絹の姉妹 | |
靴箱で蚕を育てる | |
学校菜園 | |
土をつくる | |
池もつくる | |
手づくり天然蚊よけスプレー | |
ネットで参加できる教育プログラム | |
ネットで使える教育関係情報集 |
連絡先 手づくり企画「ジャーニー・トゥ・フォーエバー」 http://journeytoforever.org/jp/ 〒622-0291京都府船井郡 京丹波町郵便局 私書箱6号 キース・アディソン (英語) 平賀緑 (日本語&英語) midori@journeytoforever.org ジャーニー・トゥ・フォーエバーを応援してください! 今後ともプロジェクトを進めていくためにご支援いただけましたら幸いです。ありがとうございました。 |
-- alphabetical order
Other oil crops
Oils and esters characteristics
Iodine Values
-- High Iodine Values
-- Talking about the weather
Quality standard for rapeseed oil fuel
Cetane Numbers
National standards for biodiesel
Fuel properties of fats and oils
Fuel properties of esters
注意: この数値は控えめな推量。実際の収量は栽培条件などにより大きな幅がある。
作物 | 1ヘクタールあたりの油収量(kg) | 1ヘクタールあたりの油収量(リッター) | 1エーカーあたりの油収量(ポンド) | 1エーカーあたりの油収量(米国ガロン) |
トウモロコシ | 145 | 172 | 129 | 18 |
カシューナッツ | 148 | 176 | 132 | 19 |
オーツ(カラス麦) | 183 | 217 | 163 | 23 |
ルピナス | 195 | 232 | 175 | 25 |
ケナフ | 230 | 273 | 205 | 29 |
キンセンカの乾燥花 | 256 | 305 | 229 | 33 |
綿花 | 273 | 325 | 244 | 35 |
ヘンプ麻 | 305 | 363 | 272 | 39 |
大豆 | 375 | 446 | 335 | 48 |
コーヒー豆 | 386 | 459 | 345 | 49 |
亜麻仁 | 402 | 478 | 359 | 51 |
ヘーゼルナッツ | 405 | 482 | 362 | 51 |
トウダイグサ(euphorbia) | 440 | 524 | 393 | 56 |
カボチャの種 | 449 | 534 | 401 | 57 |
コリアンダー | 450 | 536 | 402 | 57 |
カラシナの種 | 481 | 572 | 430 | 61 |
camelina(アマナズナ属) | 490 | 583 | 438 | 62 |
ゴマ | 585 | 696 | 522 | 74 |
紅花 | 655 | 779 | 585 | 83 |
米 | 696 | 828 | 622 | 88 |
油桐 | 790 | 940 | 705 | 100 |
ヒマワリ | 800 | 952 | 714 | 102 |
ココア(カカオ) | 863 | 1026 | 771 | 110 |
落花生 | 890 | 1059 | 795 | 113 |
ケシ | 978 | 1163 | 873 | 124 |
菜種 | 1000 | 1190 | 893 | 127 |
オリーブ | 1019 | 1212 | 910 | 129 |
ヒマの種 | 1188 | 1413 | 1061 | 151 |
ペカンナッツ | 1505 | 1791 | 1344 | 191 |
ホホバ | 1528 | 1818 | 1365 | 194 |
珊瑚油桐(サンゴアブラギリ) | 1590 | 1892 | 1420 | 202 |
マカダミアナッツ | 1887 | 2246 | 1685 | 240 |
ブラジルナッツ | 2010 | 2392 | 1795 | 255 |
アボカド | 2217 | 2638 | 1980 | 282 |
ココナッツ | 2260 | 2689 | 2018 | 287 |
ギネアアブラヤシ(パーム油) | 5000 | 5950 | 4465 | 635 |
Purdue大学の新作物・植物センター(the Center for New Crops & Plant Products)による「NewCrop SearchEngine」。キーワード「oil」で検索すると200件ものヒットがかえってくる。検索結果は詳細データにリンクされている。
「Plants For A Future(未来のための植物)」データベース検索
用途別に検索(Search by Use)か、もしくはその他の用途(Other Use)に「oil」と入力して検索すると460件がヒットする。検索結果は詳細データにリンクされている。.
菜種油(h. eruc.) |
97 - 105
菜種油(i. eruc.) |
110 - 115
ヒマワリ油 |
125 - 135
オリーブ油 |
77 - 94
大豆油 |
125 - 140
綿花油 |
100 - 115
トウモロコシ油 |
115 - 124
椰子油 |
20 - 24
8 - 10
パーム核油 |
20 - 26
12 - 18
パーム油 |
30 - 38
44 - 58
パームオレイン油 |
20 - 25
85 - 95
パームステアリン油 |
35 - 40
20 - 45
牛脂(タロー) |
35 - 40
50 - 60
ラード |
32 - 36
60 - 70
Chemically, vegetable and animal oils and fats are triglycerides, glycerol bound to three fatty acids. Animal tallow/lard is saturated, meaning that in the fatty acid portion, all the carbon atoms are bound to two hydrogen atoms, and there are no double bonds. This allows the chains of fatty acids to be straighter and more pliable so they harden at lower temperatures (that's why lard is a solid).
As you increase the number of double bonds in a fatty acid, you reduce that ability for oils to gain a conformation that would make them solid, so they remain liquid. To picture it, imagine that you put a bunch of strings in a line. Now tie knots in various places on the strings and see how they don't fit together tightly.
To test a vegetable oil to see how many double bonds it has (how unsaturated it is) iodine is introduced to the oil. The iodine will attach itself over a double bond to make a single bond where an iodine atom is now attached to each carbon atom in that double bond. Higher iodine numbers do not refer to the amount of iodine in the oil, but rather the amount of iodine needed to "saturate" the oil, or break all the double bonds. Oils for the most part contain only trace amounts of iodine naturally.
How does this translate to biodiesel? When the fatty acid chains are broken from the glycerol and then re-esterified to methyl or ethyl groups, those fatty acids still have their double bonds. That means that the more double bonds, the lower the cloud point because they resist solidifying at lower temperatures. So, for instance, if you use lard or tallow, the biodiesel will solidify at a higher temperature because the fat it was formed from also solidified at a higher temperature.
(Image and text compliments of Jeff Welter)
[The information below refers to straight vegetable oil fuel, but is also useful to show which oils are suitable for making biodiesel and which may not be suitable.]
-- From "Waste Vegetable Oil as a Diesel Replacement Fuel" by Phillip Calais, Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, and A.R. (Tony) Clark, Western Australian Renewable Fuels Association Inc.
Many vegetable oils and some animal oils are 'drying' or 'semi-drying' and it is this which makes many oils such as linseed, tung and some fish oils suitable as the base of paints and other coatings. But it is also this property that further restricts their use as fuels.
Drying results from the double bonds (and sometimes triple bonds) in the unsaturated oil molecules being broken by atmospheric oxygen and being converted to peroxides. Cross-linking at this site can then occur and the oil irreversibly polymerises into a plastic-like solid.
In the high temperatures commonly found in internal combustion engines, the process is accelerated and the engine can quickly become gummed-up with the polymerised oil. With some oils, engine failure can occur in as little as 20 hours.
The traditional measure of the degree of bonds available for this process is given by the 'Iodine Value' (IV) and can be determined by adding iodine to the fat or oil. The amount of iodine in grams absorbed per 100 ml of oil is then the IV. The higher the IV, the more unsaturated (the greater the number of double bonds) the oil and the higher is the potential for the oil to polymerise.
While some oils have a low IV and are suitable for use as fuel without any further processing other than extraction and filtering, the majority of vegetable and animal oils have an IV which may cause problems if used as a neat fuel. Generally speaking, an IV of less than about 25 is required if the neat oil is to be used for long term applications in unmodified diesel engines and this limits the types of oil that can be used as fuel. The table below lists various oils and some of their properties.
The IV can be easily reduced by hydrogenation of the oil (reacting the oil with hydrogen), the hydrogen breaking the double bond and converting the fat or oil into a more saturated oil which reduces the tendency of the oil to polymerise. However this process also increases the melting point of the oil and turns the oil into margarine.
As can be seen from the table below, only coconut oil has an IV low enough to be used without any potential problems in an unmodified diesel engine. However, with a melting point of 25 deg C, the use of coconut oil in cooler areas would obviously lead to problems. With IVs of 25-50, the effects on engine life are also generally unaffected if a slightly more active maintenance schedule is maintained such as more frequent lubricating oil changes and exhaust system decoking. Triglycerides in the range of IV 50-100 may result in decreased engine life, and in particular to decreased fuel pump and injector life. However these must be balanced against greatly decreased fuel costs (if using cheap, surplus oil) and it may be found that even with increased maintenance costs this is economically viable.
油ごとの融解温度とヨウ素価 | ||
椰子油 |
パーム核油 |
羊肉油脂(タロー) |
牛脂(タロー) |
パーム油 |
オリーブ油 |
ひまし油 |
ピーナッツ油 |
菜種油 |
綿花油 |
ヒマワリ油 |
大豆油 |
桐油 |
亜麻仁油 |
鰯油 |
Generally, the higher an oil's Iodine Value, the lower the temperature at which it solidifies. Different terms are used for this -- melting point (MP), cloud point (CP), cold filter plugging point (CFPP), and pour point (PP). In practice they all mean about the same. It matters with both SVO systems using straight vegetable oil as fuel and to biodiesel, but more so to SVO systems.
As vegetable oils cool, wax crystals form, and the oil goes cloudy. The crystals can form a film on filters, blocking the flow of fuel. The temperature at which this occurs varies widely according to the oil type, from well below freezing point to well above freezing point.
It even varies for the same type of oil: new food-grade rapeseed or canola oil is usually "winterized" so that it doesn't cloud in the fridge and put people off. It will work nicely down to -10シC, but once it emerges from the fryer, partly hydrogenated, degraded and probably containing some tallow from the food fried in it, it will only stay liquid and not plug filters down to freezing point or just above.
If you want to use an SVO system in a cold climate, you need a system configured to deal with the CFPP factor, and you need oil with a low CFPP. Coconut oil, palm oil, tallow and lard won't do, rapeseed or canola, soy, sunflower or corn oil are much better.
But if you live in a hot climate, cloud points won't bother you and the opposite is true: coconut and palm oil, tallow and lard all have higher cetane numbers than the others, and lower Iodine Values.
For biodiesel, the same applies, but to a lesser degree -- with most oils and fats, converting it into biodiesel tends to lower the CFPP. Biodiesel made with ethanol usually has a lower CFPP than biodiesel made with methanol. Additives and fuel-line heaters can solve the problem, and so can adding a proportion of petro-diesel or kerosene (up to 30% is usually recommended).
Quality Standard for Rapeseed Oil as a Fuel (RK-Qualit閣sstandard) | ||||
Density (15シC) |
DIN EN ISO 3675 DIN EN ISO 12185 |
Flash Point by P.-M. |
DIN EN 22719 |
Calorific Value |
DIN 51900-3 |
Kinematic Viscosity (40シC) |
DIN EN ISO 3104 |
Low Temperature Behaviour |
Rotational Viscometer (testing conditions will be developed) |
Cetane Number |
Testing method will be reviewed |
Carbon Residue |
DIN EN ISO 10370 |
Iodine Number |
DIN 53241-1 |
Sulphur Content |
ASTM D5453-93 |
Contamination |
DIN EN 12662 |
Acid Value |
DIN EN ISO 660 |
Oxidation Stability (110シC) |
IS0 6886 |
Phosphorus Content |
ASTM D3231-99 |
Ash Content |
DIN EN ISO 6245 |
Water Content |
pr EN ISO 12937 |
Comparison of properties of diesel, canola oil and commercial US biodiesel | |||
. |
Density kgL-1 @ 15.5 deg C |
Calorific value MJL-1 |
Viscosity mm2s-1 @ 20 deg C |
Viscosity mm2s-1 @ 40 deg C |
Viscosity mm2s-1 @ 70 deg C |
Cetane number |
Cetane numbers rate the ignition properties of diesel fuels, just as octane numbers determine the quality and value of gasoline (petrol). It's a measure of a fuel's willingness to ignite when it gets compressed. The higher the cetane number, the more efficient the fuel. Biodiesel has a higher cetane number than petrodiesel because of its oxygen content.
From the Lubrizol Corporation:
Ignition Quality or Cetane Number -- This factor influences ease of starting, duration of white smoking after start-up, drivability before warm-up and intensity of diesel knock at idle. Studies have correlated ignition quality with all regulated emissions. As ignition delay is reduced, the combustion process starts earlier and emissions (primarily carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons) are reduced.
Ignition delay is measured by the Cetane Number (CN) test (ASTM D 613), which uses a single-cylinder, variable compression ratio engine analogous to the Octane Number engine. In this case, the ignition delay of the test fuel is measured at a fixed compression ratio. This result is compared with the results from standard reference fuels consisting of blends of n-cetane and heptamethylnonane.
Diesel engines vary widely in their cetane requirements, and there is no commonly recognized way to measure this value. In general, the lower an engine's operating speed, the lower the CN of the fuel it can use. Large marine engines can tolerate fuels with CNs as low as 20, while some manufacturers of high-speed passenger car diesel engines specify 55 CN fuel.
Comparison of different national standards for biodiesel | |||||||
- |
Standard / Specification |
Date |
Application |
Density 15。C g/cm |
Viscos. 40。C mm2/s |
Distillat. 95% 。C |
Flashpoint 。C |
CFPP 。C (cold filter plugging point) |
Pour point 。C |
<-15 |
Sulfur % mass |
CCR 100% % mass |
10% dist. resid. % mass |
Sulfated ash % mass |
(Oxid) Ash % mass |
Water mg/kg |
Total contam. mg/kg |
Cu-Corros. 3h/50。C |
Cetane No. |
Neutral. No. mgKOH/g |
Methanol % mass |
Ester content % mass |
Monoglyceride. % mass |
Diglyceride % mass |
Triglyceride % mass |
Free glycerol % mass |
Total glycerol % mass |
Iodine No. |
C18:3 and high. unsat.acids % mass |
Phosphor mg/kg |
Alkalinity mg/kg
Flash point (closed cup) |
Water and sediment |
Kinematic viscosity at 40。C |
Sulfated ash |
Sulfur |
Cetane |
Carbon residue |
Total glycerine (free glycerine and unconverted glycerides combined) |
Phosphorous content |
Fuel-related properties and iodine values of various fats and oils | |||||||
Oil or Fat |
Babassu |
Castor |
Coconut |
Corn |
Cottonseed |
Crambe |
Linseed |
Olive |
Palm |
Peanut |
Rapeseed |
Safflower |
High-oleic safflower |
Sesame |
Soybean |
Sunflower |
Tallow |
No. 2 DF |
Fuel-related physical properties of esters of oils and fats | ||||||
Ester |
(kJ/kg) |
(mm2/s) |
(deg C) |
(deg C) |
(deg C) |
Cottonseed 2 |
Rapeseed 3 |
Safflower 4 |
Soybean 5 |
Sunflower 6 |
Tallow 7 |
Palm 8 |
Soybean 5 |
Tallow 9 |