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They conducted field trials with biodiesel in collaboration with end-users and found the following injection equipment and engine problems:
This is what caused problems: Ageing productsCorrosive acids (formic & acetic) Engine manufacturers have similar concerns, especially with the oxidation of biodiesel leading to a gradual increase in contamination and free water content. The final US ASTM specification D6751 for biodiesel is based on the existing petro-diesel standard, D975, which was modified by elimination of items not applicable to biodiesel and by addition of items specific to biodiesel. A lot of work went into developing new analytical methods for a number of biodiesel properties. It's based on the hard realities of what bad fuel does to motors and fuel systems. The German draft standard DIN EN 14214, "Automotive fuels - Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for diesel engines - Requirements and test methods", is one of the most complete biodiesel specifications. The EU CEN technical committee TC19 is evolving European Standards and is liaising with the International Standards Organisation committee TC28 regarding an eventual world-wide standard. They're not just bumbling around. There's a huge increase in diesel use, very rapid advances in diesel technology, stringent requirements in improving diesel emissions, tremendous growth in biodiesel production. They're dealing with billions and billions of dollars, with entire transport systems. We homebrewers can do whatever we like, but it's quite possible for a homebrewer to make standard-spec fuel, in fact it's easy, so why not do it? -- Keith Addison, message to the Biofuel mailing list, December 11, 2002 -- with thanks to DieselNet/Ecopoint Inc. http://www.dieselnet.com/ See: National standards for biodiesel Back to: Biodiesel and your vehicle Biofuels En español -- Biocombustibles, biodiesel Biofuels Library Biofuels supplies and suppliers Biodiesel Make your own biodiesel Mike Pelly's recipe Two-stage biodiesel process FOOLPROOF biodiesel process Biodiesel processors Biodiesel in Hong Kong Nitrogen Oxide emissions Glycerine Biodiesel resources on the Web Do diesels have a future? Vegetable oil yields and characteristics Washing Biodiesel and your vehicle Food or fuel? Straight vegetable oil as diesel fuel Ethanol Ethanol resources on the Web Is ethanol energy-efficient? |
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