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Education resources for teachers, students and parents
Education World -- "Where educators go to learn", also useful for self-learners young and old. Search for a topic in the database of 500,000 teaching resources on the Internet. Curriculum, Lesson Planning, Site Reviews, Teacher Lessons, and much more. Comprehensive site.
Awesome Library -- searchable education web directory of more than 17,000 reviewed resources, including the top 5% education websites. Easy interface. By the Evaluation and Development Institute in the US.
"Ask a Question" page links to dozens of expert websites on a variety of subjects, includes Homework Helper.
Blue Web'n is a searchable database of about 1,000 outstanding Internet learning sites categorized according to subject area and type: tutorials, activities, projects, unit and lesson plans, hotlists, other resources, references and tools.
The Community Learning Network is designed to help K-12 teachers integrate technology into their classrooms. More than 265 menu pages with more than 5,800 annotated links to free resources on educational WWW sites, in an "intuitive structure". Educational WWW Resources for K-12 Students and Teachers, Integrate the Internet into the Classroom, Learn More about the Internet, Professional Development in Information Technology. Good interface, easy to find what you want on this well-organized Canadian site. More than 16 million visitors from 165 countries since 1996.
General Education Meta-lists / WWW Directories -- links to multi-subject Internet directories of K-12 curriculum resources (some reviewed, with descriptions).
Collections of Lesson Plans -- links to sites with extensive lesson plan collections.
AskERIC -- Funded by the US Department of Education, the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) provides a Virtual Library of selected educational resources, including 1,100-plus AskERIC Lesson Plans, more than 250 InfoGuides, searchable archives of education-related listservs, links to Television Series Companion Guides, database search, and a personal email response on any educational question from educators, librarians, parents, or anyone interested in education, with a Hot Topics archive.
StudyWeb Meta-Encyclopedia for Student Research -- categorized web centre of 162,000+ "Research Quality" URLs -- database search or browse large subject list. Resource directory, subject-specific homework help online (good list), teaching resources.
The AT&T Learning Network supports and develops programs and resources for teaching and lifelong learning through technology. The Virtual Academy is a centralized resource of online courses to help educators integrate technology into the curriculum, and to update their professional credentials, options from upgrading skills to college degrees. Online Resources for Educators has a large array of educational resources on the Web -- lesson plans, online projects, teaching aids, and more. Resources for Families has a wide variety of links to family-related educational content. Also Community Guide to the Information Superhighway. Lots of good resources here.
Lightspan.com education portal for educators, parents, and students, providing resources, research tools, and grade-specific activities. Educational research compiler with over 115,000 grade-appropriate, expert-selected sites, allows users to search for Web sites, lesson plans, encyclopedia articles, and projects. Plus the Lightspan Network paid subscription service.
Global SchoolNet (GSN) locates and publishes projects from Internet sites around the world, from projects designed by individual teachers to major projects sponsored by public and private sector organizations. Site search, projects search. Now a part of Lightspan.
Global SchoolNet's Newsday -- Involve your students in international affairs with Newsday newswire. They'll create their own newspaper based on articles submitted by global student correspondents. Current theme: The Future -- What does the world of the future hold for us? What is your "world vision?" What sort of world will this be in a few thousand years? In ten years?
Kieran O'Regan's Interactive-Learning.com.au -- "for teachers to share, free, totally non-commercial". Web lessons are student self-directed (self-explanatory -- the 'answers' can be found in the lesson content, or Internet web sites given).
KidSource OnLine -- In-depth education and healthcare information for parents (with site search engine):
My KidSource -- Free daily E-mail Parenting Tips: educational activities; healthcare, parenting or education tips; news about websites and products. Subscribe:
Twenty online forums for parents and educators:
Timeless Classics -- Good selection by the US National Endowment for the Humanities of more than 450 books, graded for Kindergarten through Grade 6, Grades 7 and 8, Grades 9 through 12:
Learning Disability Search Engine (offsite, selected sites):
TEAMS Distance Learning for K12 Educators (Los Angeles County Office of Education) lists many interactive Internet projects students and schools can join online.
Electronic classrooms, K-12 Lesson Plans, Parent Resources, The Reading Village, Libraries & References and more:
Reference and research
-- The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
Internet Public Library Reference Center -- Search for information in online newspapers and periodicals, books, Internet resources and more, or ask a question. Archives of Frequently Asked Reference Questions, large collection of ready references, grouped by subject area, large number of subject-specific "Pathfinder" guides written by IPL staff to help you get started doing research on a particular topic, online or at your local library. Good place to start a research project or a simple information search.
Librarians' Index to the Internet, California State University -- "Information you can trust". Searchable subject directory of more than 8,200 Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians, with detailed annotations. Meant for both librarians and non-librarians. It started life 10 years ago as a librarian's bookmarks file. Search or browse the 1,587 subject areas, from Abacus to Zoroastrianism.
LII New This Week free weekly mailing of the top 20 resources added to the LII, more than 10,000 subscribers in 85 countries.
Freeality Online Encyclopedias -- single interface for searching 23 online encyclopaedias, with links to a dozen more, plus dictionaries, libraries, thesaurus, English language tools, translation dictionaries, glossaries and more. Also reference and research links and other resources.
Freeality's Internet Oracle Online Homework Helpers:
Britannica.com -- online version of the famous encyclopaedia. Slick search engine finds relevant Encyclopaedia Britannica articles, related articles, and a range of related magazine articles and websites. High-quality information resource.
MAD Scientist Network fields questions in 26 areas of science. Hundreds of scientists unite in a forum where people can ask questions and learn more about the world around them. Archives holds more than 25,000 answered questions listed according to subject areas and grades (from K-3 to professor). Search engine searches archives and/or library.
Submit questions:
About.com -- Network of information sites led by expert guides to help you find and learn. Large number of subject areas with good directories, and a search engine delivers a menu of annotated links plus related links and resources.
Learn2.com -- Many step-by-step "2torials" on a wide variety of subjects, from basic skills in daily life (fry an egg, catch a mouse) to dealing with technology. Each of 12 learning "channels" has an associated "Learnlines" discussion forum for questions and answers. Also Survival Guides, collections of tutorials to avoid potential crises. Useful, if not strictly "educational" -- what you didn't learn in school and probably should have.
How Stuff Works -- Answers your hows and whys with clear, well-written articles, along with related links and resources. Complete list of all articles, word or concept site search, Question of the Day (plus archive), monthly newsletter, books on how stuff works. Read hundreds of questions other people asked at the Question Archive: What exactly is pastrami? Do jumbo jets have ignition keys? Can I get AIDS from a mosquito bite? What makes super glue so super?
Kidsafe search engines
Yahooligans -- Yahoo's web guide for kids
CyberSleuth-Kids.Com -- online search engine and guide for K-12 students, made by teachers and the volunteers.
KidsClick! was created by librarians as a guide for young users to valuable and age-appropriate web sites. Search, browse a large list of subject areas, and the Worlds of Web Searching site for lessons and activities to help learn searching skills.
Home schooling
-- "IF you happen to be one of those parents who is considering homeschooling your kid because he either isn't doing well in public school or you think he might be better off at home, but you are intimidated by all the arguments against it (you feel unqualified to teach, you feel you might not have enough time, your kid might be too isolated, etc. etc.)... it can be done." (Lee Flier)
Kids Taught at Home Make the Grade
August 30, 2000 (Fox News) -- For the third consecutive year, [US] ACT college admissions test scores are higher for homeschoolers than for other students. Homeschoolers' average composite score was 22.8, compared to the national average of 21, out of a possible 36. On the SAT, homeschoolers, who comprise less than 1 percent of test takers, earned 568 verbal and 532 in math. The national average, announced Monday, was 505 verbal and 514 math. The U.S. Department of Education estimates there are between 1 million and 1.2 million homeschoolers in America.
The World According To Gatto (Education Week, March 2001) -- John Taylor Gatto quit his profession -- and explained his reasons for doing so in the Wall Street Journal -- almost immediately after winning the New York State Teacher of the Year Award in 1991. Today Gatto's central message is that families should shake off their public school dependencies and take charge of their own education.
Seceding From School: The average home schooler's SAT score is 1100, 80 points higher than the average score for the general population. The new home schoolers aren't hermits. They are diverse parents who are getting results -- and putting the heat on public schools. -- Time Magazine, cover story
Home Schooling Teaching Resources at StudyWeb -- lots of help here for homeschoolers. The web makes all the difference! Curriculum & Online Resources:
Lesson Plan Sites:
Homeschooling Support Groups & Organizations:
Finding Homeschool Support on the Internet -- lessons, how-to's, getting started, email mailing lists, chat groups and forums, lots of resources and support for homeschoolers.
Homeschool Resource Pages (Home Education Magazine) -- homeschooling news and information, support and encouragement, resources: Information and Resources Guide, Homeschool Resources, Online Newsletter, Information Library, Discussion Boards.
Jon's Homeschool Resource Page -- One of the oldest homeschooling sites on the Web (six years old) and one of the most extensive. Homeschooling handbooks online, a big list of Frequently Asked Questions, lists of News Groups, Mailing Lists, Web forums, Chat Channels, Web Resources, Organizations and more.
Join the home-ed mailing list for 'how to' and 'should we', curriculum questions, etc:
Pontiac High School -- "Improving the community one kid at a time": A collection of a California family's journey educating their son themselves, and practical information on helping others to get started homeschooling. Useful site, interesting articles, resources.
Homeschooling Resources (mostly science) -- links to homeschool and alternative education sites, homeschool magazines and journals, "curriculum swap" sites, homeschooling articles, kids' science projects, curriculum and lesson plans and more.
Common Sense Press -- publisher of easy-to-use material for Homeschoolers.
Homeschooling Forum -- active web forum "for those schooling children at home to share their experiences and techniques", many messages and threads. Message archive search facility.
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (US):
Each category has many valuable links, for example, here's the Science page: